Overhead not last night but the night before:
(I am washing dishes. Zander is in his high chair finishing dinner. Matt has gone upstairs for a moment. Zander twists his head to look over his shoulder in the direction Matt has gone.)
"DAD! I'm done!"
(I am laying on the floor playing with Zander. Zander gets a little rambunctious and starts whopping me on the head.)
I say, "Ow, you're hurting me. Do you want to go to bed?"
Zander replies, "No, mom."
(Zander is so rambunctious that we take it outside. I casually pull up a few weeds and take them to the treeline for disposal. Standing by the porch steps, Zander shouts to me with incoherent anxiety.)
I say, "Don't worry, Zander, I'm coming back."
Zander cries out, "Come back!"
Seriously. All this in one night. We've been able to tell for a while that he's saying full sentences - he's definitely got the cadance down and lots of sophisticated sounds but 95% of the time (he talks a lot!) it's mumbo-jumbo. My favorite is the second one because it was a conversation and not just an outburst or possible mimicry.
And now, another picture-essay: